Lawn Bowling
noun 1. a game played with wooden balls on a level, closely mowed green having a slight bias, the object being to roll one's ball as near as possible to a smaller white ball at the other end of the green. 
2. a very good reason to get together with your friends and have a great time.

Looking for another opportunity to get together with your Newport friends? We have lined up a great deal at the Newport Harbor Lawn Bowling club. Through the end of May, NHLBC will be waiving the initiation fee for any new members we can drum up. Yes, the initiation fee is only $35, but think of all the $2 drinks you can purchase at the honor bar with that extra cash. Dues will also be prorated from the yearly $175, down to $135 for the remaining months of 2016.

Nestled in CDM, the NHLBC is one of the largest and most beautiful lawn bowling clubs in the nation. Members enjoy access to the clubhouse and greens anytime at their leisure, and they hold member events every week.

Once we get things going we will be holding scheduled Drop in Bowling nights for our group to make it easier to get together.


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